Open To The Public
Supporting Our Community
Open To The Public
Supporting Our Community
Educational Programs
Church Events
Assistance Available
1. The lead usher or someone (s)he appoints should be at church no later than 8:15 AM RING BELLS at at 8:58.
2. Open front doors, (use hex key only) sanctuary doors, turn on all lights and fans as needed.
3. Light two center candles on altar.
4. Check bulletin to see if pews need to be roped off for baptism or other special event.
5. Two ushers needs to be in the narthex at all times except during offering collection.
6. Hand out bulletins (also children's bulletins) and any other materials as worshipers arrive.
7. Note visitors and encourage them to sign registry.
8. Count attendance. Green form with bulletins to write attendance on This should then be placed in with the offering envelopes.
9. Collect offering from congregation. Also offering collection from church school rooms.
10. Have a council officer lock collection in vault after service.
11. Be sure all candles are extinguished.
12. Shut off all fans and lights (be sure to check bathrooms).
13. Be sure all sanctuary & exterior doors are locked.
14. If there is an after service function, be sure they know when you are leaving and that they are responsible for checking exterior doors when they leave.
15. During the service, for the security of our worshipers, one usher should keep an eye out for suspicious persons or activity.
There is a "panic" button in the ushers closet for emergencies. Please see Nora for instructions.
Note: Team Lead is first person on each team list.
If you can not usher when scheduled, please notify your team leader.
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